
How can we help you Rise to Success? 

As a project manager, there are many paths you can take to advance your career. One way is to focus on professional development, which includes upskilling, leveling up, promotions, seeking out new opportunities or other types of career advancement. With so many options available, it can be difficult to know where to start. That's where the Rise to Success program comes in! We want to make it easier for you.

What Does our Rise to Success Program Offer?

Quick Links: Our 1-stop comprehensive repository of career-related resources provides easy access to available PMI links to the latest trends, best practices, and insights related to careers, so you don't have to spend time scouring through the internet. 

Career Empowerment Sessions: Our virtual sessions are specifically designed to help you acquire and hone skills to level up your career, including resume building, LinkedIn profile optimization, and increasing your visibility and leadership presence. These sessions provide a platform to ask questions, receive guidance, and get insights related to your career from your community. First session starting in September!

Get on the Waitlist - Personalized Guidance: We will soon offer one-on-one guidance customized to your career path, whether you're focused on upskilling, leveling up, promotions, or other types of advancement. Our guidance is designed to help you maximize your potential, leverage your unique talents, and achieve your professional goals, including enhancing your executive presence.

Get on the Waitlist - Skillfest Events: We will soon offer networking events that are designed to bring together job seekers and recruiters to connect and find opportunities. 

Get on the Waitlist - Career Mentoring: We will soon offer a flash mentoring program that will connect you with experienced professionals who can provide valuable insights, advice, and guidance. 

If you're not sure where to start, contact us at  We can provide guidance and connect you with resources to help you achieve your career goals.